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Covid 19 Policy Update - July 2021

As more individuals are getting vaccinated we are excited for the day when we can fully open and see everyone’s smiling faces. Until that time, here is our latest visit protocols. Please keep in mind that these can change at anytime depending on the COVID-19 positivity rate in Douglas County.

Apartment Visits

DPOA approved guests. The DPOA and guests may visit at separate times, we just ask that a courtesy call is given 15-30 minutes upon arrival. We strongly suggest that the selected guests andDPOA be fully vaccinated and that masks must be worn in common areas.

Patio Visits

Guests may visit without the DPOA in attendance, we just ask that a courtesy call is given 15-30minutes prior to arrival. We strongly suggest that the selected guests and DPOA be fully vaccinated. Please keep a 6 foot distance between other visits that might be taking place on the patios.

Walking Visits

Guests may visit for a walk without the DPOA in attendance, we just ask that a courtesy call is given 15-30 minutes prior to arrival. We strongly suggest that the selected guests and DPOA be fully vaccinated.

Driving Visits

We ask that a courtesy call is given 15-30 minutes prior to arrival. We strongly suggest that the selected guests and DPOA be fully vaccinated and that masks be worn by everyone at all times. We also ask that you try and avoid crowds and poorly ventilated areas.

Checking in for ALL Visits

When arriving to Neuvant House, please sign in at the vestibule, answer the following COVID-19 questions and take/record your temperature. Once you have signed in, please ring the door bell to let staff know you have arrived. If you are visiting in the apartment, please go straight to the apartment and limit visiting with others on your way. For patio visits, once signed in, please use the sidewalk between our buildings to get to the patios. Once you are seated, staff will help escort resident to the patio. For walking and driving visits, staff will help escort residents to the vestibules and to the vehicles if needed.

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