(don't forget to hit the side arrows above, this is a slideshow!)
HO HO HO! I know, I know, it's not Christmas YET, but I am feeling extra cheery with all the presents, decorating and holiday spirit around Neuvant House recently. We have been REALLY getting into the holiday spirit by making ornaments, driving around to the various light displays and wrapping gifts. With Holiday right around the corner, it makes us feel so blessed to get to spend them with each and every resident and family that visits us. We are so lucky to have the wonderful group that we have, and everyone is so cheery that it makes it hard NOT to be in the holiday spirit. I personally keep dreaming of how I can turn Frankie and Barfy into honorary reindeer for the season without them running away from me, I'll definitely take pictures if it happens.
I am most excited about our impending visit from Santa later this month, and opening presents by one of our beautiful Neuvant House trees that our amazing activity people were so kind to erect for us in our common area. It was a little hairy at times with our tree, as most of us aren't much taller than 5'4, but the tree is up and it's glistening like well, like Christmas trees do. It's all Holiday spirit and cheery belly laughs around here. We look forward to you all coming for the Holidays.
In other news, we have a LOT of momentum in our west house remodel! Here is Cosmas to give us a wonderful tour, well it's a teaser really, but here it is!!

The new vestibule. Note the new doorbell is installed! No more waiting at the door! You can press that black button to the left of the door and we will come running! Well, we may not run, but we sure will get to you much faster now that we have TWO speakers for the doorbell so we can hear it from nearly anywhere in the main building when it's pressed. Please note the NEW sign in log to the left on that table. You no longer HAVE to take your temperature, but we leave a thermometer just in case you want to. If you aren't feeling well, or have been exposed to any infectious diseases, COVID, Flu etc, we ask that you grab one of our masks before visiting your loved one.

Here is our flooring folks right at work! (Taking this picture was a task, as they have the entire room plastic'd off, and I was pressing on the outside of the plastic a lot trying to get photo before they just opened the kitchen door and poked their head out with a perplexed look. I can only guess how strange that looked from inside of the plastic bubble they are keeping themselves in as it is out with the old, and in with the new.) They were kind enough to let me take this sneak peak just for you!

This is our nurses office, it will be the next room on the list. The old flooring was quite a chore to remove, so this room will have carpet in the near future! It is currently closed off, so you likely won't see it until it's done.

It's COSMAS! Our wonderful Administrator, as he is reviewing the fine work from our contractors.

Our new flooring is BEAUTIFUL, with a lovely Herringbone pattern, if you notice, the pattern on the flooring install matches the pattern in some of our new wallpaper. It's the little details that make this project so beautiful!

Special thanks to ALL of our families and staff in West for bearing with us as we transition to modernization of West House!